
Programs and Spreadsheets:

With the rollout of newer coding, code practices and changes in resources on computers makes it difficult (nearly impossible) for the older programs to run. If a spreadsheet or does not run, then it is your responsibility to do the trouble shooting. Here are some points to consider.

1) They become obsolete in a few years because of advancements in programing languages and applications. Starting with Windows 11, in order to run programs like an "exe" the program must be allowed to access parts of the computer, such a directory. Security issues can be solved by using an installer program. I like writing engineering programs. Writing deployment/installation programs is time consuming. 

2) My programs are written for current Windows platforms and current MS OFFICE installations. If your platform is 1 revision behind, it becomes a huge issue with MS OFFICE applications. As Microsoft makes changes to Excel, their compilers, the NET library, and windows itself, etc. the resources required to keep programs and spreadsheets running is constantly needing to be upgraded. As the resources are upgraded, it becomes necessary to actually build a deployable installation program. And, to make sure that the program is allowed to run, it is necessary to obtain Windows certificates (which cost money) to comply with virus software. The virus software is beginning to remove code inside spreadsheets to render them safe for your computer, but removing code and macros defeats the reason why you want the spreadsheet. I will not email these directly either because email servers remove any attachment they perceive as being a program or has macros, etc. It has become a huge hassle with no reward.

3) Always run a virus check on anything that you download! Programs and spreadsheets on my previous website became targets of hacking attempts. I could not guarantee that the programs and spreadsheets I hosted on the web were 100% clear of malicious code. Further, there was an app posted on my host site that was not mine. I found and removed it. But, had somebody downloaded and ran it, there is not telling what may have happened.  

4) Computers that have protected folders will need to allow programs to make changes.  For example, the Wire Heat Transfer program needs to have read-write privileges to the folder where files are stored and where it runs.

Excel Spreadsheets:

 Animated Graph

Tremolo Speed

Updated March 22, 2023

The spreadsheet for "AudioCode Microphone to PC" has been update to run on Windows 11 (64 bit).
I included instructions in on how to use the code. There is plenty of excess code included and it will be obvious which calls are used and not used. I do not use a Callback procedure. I use the timer function to harvest the data each time the buffer is full. Without a Callback procedure, the dwFlags will never change from 0 to 1. A call back procedure is required to connect with the Windows messaging system and it is a level of complexity that isn't required for this very basic program. By default the buffer collects 23mS of data and sends it to the graph. The maximum buffer length is 4096 * 7. If you exceed this buffer length, Windows will report an error. If you need more recording time, take the program and move it into a compiler for Windows Forms using C, C++, VB etc.  


Wire Heat Transfer

Last Update: December 5, 2023